A wondrous thing

Bittern Court, London, SE8
My first blog post!
I would like to start with one of my first and favourite Amazingness photographs, one that got me started on my way into developing the Amazingness project.
I had been wandering around Deptford with my camera, researching the area visually.
Afterwards, I kept looking at this photograph that I’d taken, and being amazed and excited by it – that such a mind bogglingly intricately crinkly beautiful living thing could be gently growing (ever so slowly) in a grubby backstreet in big bad London.
It set me off on a voyage of discovery through the streets of London, to search out nature in all its forms. It turned out I didn’t have to go very far. I could spend hours just on a trip around the corner to buy milk, what with all the amazing things I found along the way.
In general I will be updating this blog with new things, Amazingness I find as I’m out and about, which I’ll post as soon as I can after I’ve found it.
Occasionally if I’m having a very busy time, I might add in another old favourite. It’s all a bit of an experiment that I’m very much looking forward to performing.