Chip chop chip chop all day long, with a great big pair of shears. After a couple of enthusiastic hours my left hand started involuntarily shaking due to the unfamiliar and intensely repetitious movement – and it didn’t stop until two days later. All this chopping / slicing / hacking was fun though, especially as […]
I love these times: after a deluge of rain, the clouds form a little gap for the sun to shine through, and the whole world glows and glistens in response. Plus, there are always plenty of puddles lying around; gateways to a parallel universe. The trick is to not step in any by accident, but […]
A couple of days ago, in the beautiful sunshine, I took a little wander along the canal towpath, from underneath East Cross Route on the Hertford Union Canal, to Old Ford Lock on Regent’s Canal. I particularly love all the sections which are underneath bridges. The structures are always really interesting, be it stripy and metal […]
Minutes after an intense and lengthy bout of rain, during one of those magical moments when warm sunshine breaks through the menacing dark-grey rain clouds, and the whole world responds by shining super brightly in its wetness, I was drawn to this little plant and his reflection. Thanks to both the sun and the rain, […]
Whilst waiting for the bus this evening, as the puddles swelled around me from a day of constant rain, I spied a pavement bobble, cleverly disguised as a water bubble, off to seek her fortune.