Standing tall and proud, basking in their sunlight, ready to be presented with their medals, these shining examples of Amazingness will hopefully be an inspiration to all plants out there thinking of being brave and just a little bit naughty. Although there has been some controversy as to whether the gold medal winner did or […]
As if it isn’t amazing enough to be sitting watching movies, eating a cooked breakfast and drinking a cup of tea, whilst zooming through space and time 35,000 feet above sea level, cocooned inside a surprisingly ordinary flying machine. When, having travelled through seventeen hours of non-stop darkness, finally we come around to the sun’s […]
Making the most of her chance in the spotlight, this little wonder enthusiastically performs her self-choreographed happy sunshine dance.
The leaves on the trees are dancing in the breeze; occasionally a ray of sunshine sneaks through a fluttering gap. Down below, a little seed bounces out of the shady darkness and into one of these glimmering rays. It becomes a beacon shimmering in the shadows and calls me to it. It bungees back and […]
I’m not really the hot weather type, so I’ve taken to leading a shadowy existence during the current heat wave: Taking cold showers; Eating chocolate ice cream; Drinking even more water than usual; Sheltering on the shady side of everything (if there is one); Taking advantage of the relative cool underneath every passing tree; Admiring […]
Posted on December 13, 2011, 12:13 am, by anna, under
Glowing copper in the late afternoon sunlight, the crown of this enormous, beautiful, leafless tree makes me want to stand on my head, and imagine it as a clump of earthy roots just pulled from the ground.
For a while I was simply enjoying this line of green; mosses and grasses and a variety of other little plants, neatly nestling all in a row at the top of the stairs. I walked away briefly to check out some lichen growing on a wall, and when I came back I noticed the shadows […]
Posted on September 6, 2011, 12:42 pm, by anna, under
Proof that light travels in straight lines.
Minutes after an intense and lengthy bout of rain, during one of those magical moments when warm sunshine breaks through the menacing dark-grey rain clouds, and the whole world responds by shining super brightly in its wetness, I was drawn to this little plant and his reflection. Thanks to both the sun and the rain, […]
Posted on July 4, 2011, 11:43 pm, by anna, under
I have been moving house over the last week. As a memory to the gorgeous sunny bedroom that I lived in for almost five years, here is a photograph of the piece of yellow cloth that I used as a curtain, taken just before I removed it and put it in a cardboard box. The […]