I’m not really the hot weather type, so I’ve taken to leading a shadowy existence during the current heat wave: Taking cold showers; Eating chocolate ice cream; Drinking even more water than usual; Sheltering on the shady side of everything (if there is one); Taking advantage of the relative cool underneath every passing tree; Admiring […]
Is the sheep trapped in the hedge, or is the hedge trapped in a sheep? As I contemplate this I realise that there is no sheep, and there is no hedge. Instead, there’s just a big fluffy rug in the middle of the pavement decorated with candy-coloured horse-chestnut flowers and other bits and pieces of […]
It seemed like no time at all since I’d been gazing out into the darkness of the daytime, excited by hail noisily battering my windows, the whistling wind whipping up the trees, and lashing rain streaking sideways at a 45 degree angle from left to right. But gradually I noticed it had grown quiet, and […]
Posted on October 18, 2011, 9:56 am, by anna, under
Every so often at this time of year, a really windy day comes along. Watching this tree was a pleasure. Contrasting with the stillness of the surrounding buildings, the frenzied waving of the branches was really extravagant. Buffeted this way and that by the wind, I couldn’t stand still either. However, my response was a […]
It’s that time of the year again when blustery winds help relieve trees of their drying, dying leaves… …which means there are lots of beautifully coloured and shapely leaves drifting around curbsides, and hanging about on pavements, ready and waiting to be rustled up again with some happy kicking.
Posted on October 1, 2010, 10:04 pm, by anna, under
Feel the wind refresh your head.