So Near and Yet So Far

Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1
On tuesday evening, I attended a really interesting and enjoyable talk on the topic of weeds, by Richard Mabey, as he has a new book out entitled ‘Weeds: How Vagabond Plants Gatecrashed Civilisation and Changed the Way We Think About Nature’.
The talk was held at the Garden Museum in Lambeth, and, considering the topic, I thought it only right and proper that I find myself a suitably vagabondish plant to photograph.
I took a liking to this one, especially because he was growing on the outside wall of the Garden Museum’s grounds, just a few feet from the entrance gate. I felt pretty sure that his aim was to be inside the Garden Museum’s garden – a place of status, where many a young and ambitious plant aspires to be. If only he could get in, he thinks, then he’d really be some plant. He’d really have something to write home about.
But it’s tough to get accepted. Especially for the naughtier plant types.

I just had a glance inside Richard Mabey’s book on Amazon and it is beautifully written. He’s a wonderful writer. Did you go and speak to him afterwards? I hope so. In any case, this post is indeed right and proper, and it is also very funny.
I agree, he is a wonderful writer. I have a few of his books, I find them very inspiring. And I did actually go and speak to him afterwards, but only briefly. And I got my book signed.
Also, I’m glad you liked the post :)
Ah yes, Corydalis lutea – considered by many to be a weed, but I love it! It’s more of a cheeky chappy than an evil weed. I have loads in my front garden and it’s actually fairly well behaved – easy enough to hoik out where it outgrows its welcome. Wish I could have been at Mabey’s talk – love his books.
Hi Jane, thanks for the identification. I’m not very good at plant identification yet, although I do now have the book you recommended – Wild Flowers of Britain and Ireland by Rae Spencer-Jones and Sarah Cuttle – so hopefully I will improve…