Zebra Tree

Vernon Road, London, E11

April showers have really made a comeback this year. It’s so incredibly wet. Just when I think, ‘Surely there can’t be any more rain up there’, along comes another glorious downpour.

I find the force and energy of it really exciting, but the resultant cold and wet shoes, socks, trousers etc, not quite so much fun. Luckily I’ve discovered the joyful combo of a large colourful umbrella and a pair of wellington boots.

Inside these items I feel invincible! And much more able to happily experience any cloudburst…the battering noise as raindrops land on my umbrella, the bouncing as they hit puddles and pavement, the changing angle of rainfall as the wind blusters, the freshness in the air, the ability to safely splish-splash through puddles…

…and, last but definitely not least, the discovery of such delightful things as Zebra Tree.

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