Archive for the ‘Trees’ Category

Zebra Tree

April showers have really made a comeback this year. It’s so incredibly wet. Just when I think, ‘Surely there can’t be any more rain up there’, along comes another glorious downpour. I find the force and energy of it really exciting, but the resultant cold and wet shoes, socks, trousers etc, not quite so much […]

Amazingness Love

This magnificent Silver Birch tree trunk, once young, smooth and white, now old, grisly and exploded, has busted out some Amazingness love vibes for everybody.

Where’s Wally?

Or, if you’re from Canada or the USA…Where’s Waldo? If you can’t find him, here he is!


Glowing copper in the late afternoon sunlight, the crown of this enormous, beautiful, leafless tree makes me want to stand on my head, and imagine it as a clump of earthy roots just pulled from the ground.

Inside a Cloud

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to actually be inside a cloud? Admittedly I chose a very low flying, non-stormy specimen to experiment with, but yesterday I did find out. Cycling past Peckham Rye common, a big mist was settling down. Enchanted by the dissolving trees, I couldn’t help but detour into […]

Not So Plane After All

I’ve been enjoying London Plane trees today. Earlier, on the South Bank, I was kicking about some enormous Plane leaves. They were bigger than the size of my head! And then, later on, I discovered this lovely specimen, standing taller than a three-story house. I particularly love how nearly all of the leaves have fallen […]

A Tree Experience

Sitting on a small lump of trunk, under the outspread bare branches of a great big Horse Chestnut tree, I contemplate my surroundings. A circular carpet of fallen leaves lies beneath the tree. Now that the leaves still attached are few and far between, the branches above me only semi-obscure the clouds beyond – bright […]

Can’t You Stand Still Like the Rest of Us?

Every so often at this time of year, a really windy day comes along. Watching this tree was a pleasure. Contrasting with the stillness of the surrounding buildings, the frenzied waving of the branches was really extravagant. Buffeted this way and that by the wind, I couldn’t stand still either. However, my response was a […]

Come on Everybody, Let’s Do the Twist

I’ve been trying to find out why it is that some trees grow all twisty like this. Actually it isn’t at all uncommon, but I haven’t yet discovered anyone with a definitive answer to explain it. Two popular theories are that the spiralling is genetic and confers greater structural strength to the tree, or that […]


Bright blue skies; glorious sunshine; a slight breeze; yellow, orange, red and green leaves; unseasonably warm weather…it’s just so gorgeous out there! Enjoy your weekend!

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